: Improve performance on icy roads (2)


Driver fatigue, how to handle it?

Lucas Gulino, March 2, 2018

Fatigue is a reality that affects all drivers; especially commercial vehicle drivers who are exposed to long hours on the road and even in extreme conditions like bad traffic and/or weather.
How does one prevent fatigue and be effective in your daily work as well as outside? We tried to answer this question.

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Surface Treatments

Leonard D'Orlando, February 22, 2018

Which is the perfect road surface treatment to increase traction?

To keep transportation – and society – running, authorities have different strategies for keeping roads open and driveable in harsh winter conditions. Snowplows keep the snow masses away from the road, and often some kind of surface treatment is used to increase traction when roads are icy and unsafe. But, which is the perfect road surface treatment? The simple answer is... None! Every method of surface treatment is a compromise between effectiveness, cost, handling and side effects. Let's have a look at some methods.

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Slippery Conditions - Traction Devices Explained

Ulrik Andersson, February 15, 2018

Traction devices allow you to travel safely on slippery roads and in adverse weather conditions. Most people who use these devices navigate in less than optimal conditions because it's their job.

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5 Tyre Safety Tips for Commercial Drivers

Eric Jones, November 25, 2017

The winter weather is upon us and it’s time to begin thinking about maintaining traction on icy road surfaces. The U.S. Department of transportation has compiled the following list of tips for keeping your tyres in good working condition.

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How Onspot Can Improve Your Daily Life

Thomas Ancart, July 20, 2017

Whether you are picking up household waste in isolated villages, driving children to school early in the morning, or delivering to customers awaiting their orders, drivers are almost always on the road. The open road can be great, but sometimes, the conditions can change to much less than favorable in a matter of minutes or even a couple miles.

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Are Automatic Snow Chains for you? Consider these 4 Questions

Eric Jones, June 29, 2017

You’ve done the research and decided that increasing traction is important. The following four questions can help you determine if Onspot Automatic Snow Chains are the right solution for you.

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Is technology the key to shorter response time in rescue driving?

Ulrik Andersson, April 28, 2017

Why response time must be reduced

For rescue operations ‘response time’ is one of the measures for effectiveness. In emergency situations response time should be as short as possible as this could be crucial for saving lives or properties at danger. Accordingly, much effort is put into reducing response times. But actually, what is response time?

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Bye, bye winter and icy roads! How to conquer a hill?

The Haaks, April 7, 2017

Guest Blog, no 3 from the Haaks

Very soon spring is here and the winter season is over – for this time. Yesterday, we did the last after ski gig in the Swedish mountains. We had an amazing response from the audience and the band was really on top. To the delight of the skiers there were loads of snow this weekend, but we were not that delighted since the roads around Sälen got very slippery – and our bus got stuck at the lodge! However, in these situations Onspot automatic snow chains are our best friends. Johan, the driver, just pushed the button and off we went uphills in a cloud of snow.

Watch this video when Onspots help us conquer a slippery hill!

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Tire chains – are they the best choice for rescue vehicles?

Ulrik Andersson, March 30, 2017

Some products are so functional and effective that there is little potential to improve them. The violin, for example, got its design by the Italian master violin-makers in the 17th century. Countless efforts have been made to challenge its basic construction in order to improve it, but in vain. The violin is so close to perfect that no one has come up with a fundamental improvement during the last 350 years.

Tire chains are not that old – they were patented in 1904, and ever since they have proven to be very effective for increasing traction.

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Can I increase traction without any aiding device?

Eric Jones, February 23, 2017

Maybe you’ve been there? The road is becoming icy and slippery and you ought to get out there to mount the snow chains. But you’re in a hurry, so mounting time would cost you another hour of delay or so. And besides, you don’t feel like leaving your warm cab for the freezing cold roadside… So, is there a trick to get traction anyway? Actually, there is a trick that many experienced drivers know of. Yet, it’s a controversial trick. Here’s why!

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