Onspot parts - Tools for identification

Lucas Gulino, December 29, 2017

If we pay attention to the world around us, we notice that an assembled set of components results in the machines used to assist us in completing our daily tasks. Mechanically speaking, we can observe gears which make up cogs which in turn set the machine in motion. However, when there is a missing or defective gear then the cog becomes paralyzed thus impeding the machine’s function.

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5 Tips to Stay Safe When Driving Near Commercial Vehicles

Eric Jones, December 21, 2017

The holiday season has arrived and many of us will be traveling to spend time with friends and family. It’s also the time of year when retailers return to profitability, grocery stores sell out of popular items and our price at the pump increases in response to seasonal demand. Increases in freight shipments and passenger traffic create a situation where all drivers need to pay especially close attention to safety.

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What is traction coefficient?

Eric Jones, December 7, 2017

In a tyre-surface system, the coefficient of friction is called ‘traction coefficient’. It’s as simple as that. But, what’s more important is to know why the traction coefficient is fundamental to road safety – and peace of mind.

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5 Tyre Safety Tips for Commercial Drivers

Eric Jones, November 25, 2017

The winter weather is upon us and it’s time to begin thinking about maintaining traction on icy road surfaces. The U.S. Department of transportation has compiled the following list of tips for keeping your tyres in good working condition.

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Industry events showcase safety products

Maritza Hernandez, November 16, 2017

Canada’s Waste & Recycling/Municipal Equipment Expo (CWRE) - 2017

Most of us attend trade shows and expect the same old exhibits but then you stumble on a product and wonder to yourself – why didn’t anyone think of this before?

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Tips & Tricks for Mounting Onspot

Lucas Gulino, November 6, 2017

As a mechanic, every day, you have to find new solutions to the problems you encounter. You are reflective, rigorous, and logical, and we know that it is not always that simple...

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Automatic Snow Chains – how it really works

Lars Holmgren, October 10, 2017

A press of a button and the chain wheel swings out. Then, strands of chain are slung under the tyre, increasing traction. It’s as simple as that – for the driver. But, if we take a closer look at the ingeniously simple principle behind, we realise that Onspot Automatic Snow Chains requires a good dose of engineering to become such a reliable tool for safety and convenience. Here is why!

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How to Improve the Environment for Refuse Trucks?

Shane Woodman, September 28, 2017

In a world where we are more and more “connected,” technology plays a major role in the working environment. Do you remember when we were introduced to the “internet” for the first time? This novelty was not so long ago, it has only been about twenty-three years! It’s the same for the trucking industry! New advances in truck equipment happen every day and these innovations change the work environment for refuse trucks and drivers’ safety.

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How to be Healthy on the Road and Handle Stress

Boel Haglund, September 25, 2017

Long haul truck drivers face many risks while working in today’s fast paced environment. While some might consider the chances of being in an accident the most pressing danger to a driver, there are several other risk factors to consider. Lifestyle-related illnesses due to poor diet and reduced exercise are a problem in the industry and it´s not hard to understand why. Living healthy on the road is challenging. Drivers travel long distances which may require time away from home for long periods and the work in itself doesn’t always provide an opportunity for physical activity. However, eating healthy and staying fit is as important for you as a driver as it is for the rest of us in society.

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How to Spec your Fire Apparatus to Serve your Community

Maritza Hernandez, September 15, 2017

Everyone loves a parade! Especially, a Fire Truck Parade, Lights & Sirens!

However, when writing the specifications for fire apparatus there are some things more important than looks. Two important factors when preparing to purchase a new fire truck is the vehicles’ function and the terrain in its “operating environment.” Not taking into account function and terrain could lead to ownership of a great looking truck that falls short of the end users expectations.       Image: Firemen march on the Champs-Elysées, Paris © Maxppp -

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