How does winter weather impact the efficiency of fleets?

Leonard D'Orlando, October 17, 2019

Winter weather driving season never fails to surprise drivers. However, for fleets, winter weather driving conditions can affect not only how vehicles stay on the road but also the efficiency of completing their deliveries.

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How the Mechanic turns the Onspot into an even better investment

Ulrik Andersson, October 3, 2019

You have mounted the automatic snow chain system to the vehicle. The driver has picked it up and left the workshop. How can you make this an even better investment for the fleet owner and the drivers? Here you can learn more and download documents to use for maintenance. There is even a reference document for the driver when he or she returns for service.

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Do mechanics recommend Onspot?

Eric Jones, September 19, 2019

Onspot is one of several traction devicesthat can improve friction and stop the vehicle from sliding or becoming stuck. The drivers experience a huge benefit from having increased traction at the flip of a dashboard switch. But what does this mean for the mechanic?

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Installing automatic snow chains is easy for the mechanic?

Lucas Gulino, September 5, 2019

Mandatory equipment or comfort accessories, each installation of a vehicle requires a mounting made by a professional. What about the installation of automatic snow chains? How is it fixed? In how long time? Discover it through this article.

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Modular design - why is it easier for the truck mechanics?

Ulrik Andersson, August 22, 2019


Some consider modular design as something for facilitating manufacturing, repair, and maintenance while others think that it only raises the cost for a product – without offering similar benefits. However, it all comes down to the viewer’s perspective. What is regarded merely as an unnecessary cost to one stakeholder could be a definitive advantage to another stakeholder. Let’s have a look at modular design from the mechanic’s perspective.

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What School Bus Drivers Say about Onspot

Maritza Hernandez, July 25, 2019

Driver satisfaction is an important facet to the success of any fleet. In addition to general maintenance, driver training in all aspects of the use and function of a school bus leads to the successful, safe transportation of school children. But, what do bus drivers say about Onspot?

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School bus driver – driving safely in winter conditions

Ulrik Andersson, July 11, 2019

Being a reliable bus driver, bringing school kids to and from school safely, every day of the year, is not happening by accident. By educating your self and understand what measurements are available you take the control and makes it happen. Learn more how proud school bus drivers make use of good tools below.

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Tips for driving a school bus in winter weather

Eric Jones, June 27, 2019

We all know that driving a school bus can be a stressful job on a good day. Winter driving conditions make an already tough job even more difficult. We have assembled six tips to help you take the stress out of driving in winter weather.

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How the drivers keeps their Onspot ready ?

Eric Carlebom, June 13, 2019

For most countries in the world, snow and ice have given way to sunny roads, which then become the holiday route for some. We hope you made good use of your Onspot automatic snow chains in the winter, and learned about the usage tips.

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The critical lifesaving seconds for the rescue driver

Ulrik Andersson, May 30, 2019

A common conception of a rescue operation is the fire. At a big fire, an ordinary person can do nothing but make an alarm and possibly warn others, then await fire trucks with skilled fire-fighters using the right equipment to put out the fire. Here, the public is entirely dependent on the rescue team and their operation. However, there are situations when the professional rescuers are not first in line, but instead, public acting is crucial for saving lives. Here is why seconds may count.

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