Not so long ago, we saw on the roads trucks that kept the landscapes and green spaces alive. These vehicles equipped with several pieces of equipment and accessories that cut the trees or maintained the road, change now to another type of equipment. The snow plows take place to clear away these new roads, which will become snow-covered and ice-free.

About Lucas Gulino
Rescue Driving; How to be Efficient in Winter
Lucas Gulino, August 23, 2018
In your profession, driving a vehicle is not just a mode of transportation, it’s one of the tools that allows you to save lives. As such, your vehicle must be equipped with the best equipment to get the job done.
Our Secrets about Wheels and Chains!
Lucas Gulino, June 28, 2018
At Onspot, nothing is left to chance! Each piece that makes up the complete system has been the subject of a comprehensive study. The same is true for our chains. Have you already noticed that we use different types of chains? Each of them has been designed to meet a specific need, and we will reveal our secrets about wheels and chains!
How & when Onspot helps you?
Lucas Gulino, May 24, 2018
You must have control of your vehicle whatever situation you find yourself. Let’s review together how Onspot will get you out of difficult situations.
Automatic Tire Chains for Light Vehicles
Lucas Gulino, April 9, 2018
From emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and snow removal vehicles to passenger or goods transport vehicles, each profession requires adapted and different vehicles. While some equipment have advantages on trucks, others better fit on lighter vehicles. But what about Onspot? Does it fit as well on a light vehicle as trucks? Are the advantages the same? Let's compare and answer it!
Don’t Forget About the Truck Accessories
Lucas Gulino, March 29, 2018
The use of a truck is two-fold. For the owner, it is a tool for generating revenue, while for the driver, it is the workplace. Many people consider truck accessories as costly gadgets only, like, the Coffee Machine De Luxe. However, there are accessories that not only increase driver’s comfort and safety but also increase operational efficiency. Let us have a look at some obvious accessories – and some less obvious…
Driver fatigue, how to handle it?
Lucas Gulino, March 2, 2018
Fatigue is a reality that affects all drivers; especially commercial vehicle drivers who are exposed to long hours on the road and even in extreme conditions like bad traffic and/or weather.
How does one prevent fatigue and be effective in your daily work as well as outside? We tried to answer this question.
Tips and Tricks for a Model 016 Install
Lucas Gulino, November 6, 2017
The following tips and tricks have been learned from the many Model 016 installs done on a variety of vehicles worldwide. However, it must be noted that Onspot is not a one-size-fits-all product. For instance, as was detailed in an earlier blog post, the ideal chainwheel position can vary due to the difference in vehicle measurements.