: Response Time


A properly equipped ambulance: Vital to the community it serves

Leonard D'Orlando, July 18, 2024

When it comes to an ambulance the vehicle is often referred to in several ways. Terms medic, bus, buggy, and wagon are just a few that come to mind. Regardless of the name its primary function is the same; to provide timely medical care and transportation to area hospitals.

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Operating in winter conditions: Renewed focus for rescue drivers

Leonard D'Orlando, November 23, 2023

Here in the States the shift from the fall season toward the winter season has started and it won’t be long until many places are blanketed in snow. For the rescue driver this is also a time of shift in preparation and renewed focus on the job at hand. The priorities are always the same; the safe transport of patients and EMTs with a focus on quick response time. During the winter months these goals never change but the methods and practices implemented by the rescue driver do.

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When seconds count: A proper outfitted rescue vehicle is a must.

Leonard D'Orlando, April 27, 2023

When it comes to fire and rescue drivers every second counts. These individuals need all the help they can get for quick operations. The drivers rely on proper information and equipment to do their job in a safe and effective manner. They are looked up to as heroes of their community, therefore it is necessary that they have the proper tools and vehicles at their disposal.

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The Rescue Driver - Prepared for anything even freezing fog

Leonard D'Orlando, June 23, 2022

Response time is critical for the rescue driver. Once a call is dispatched the clock starts. It now rests upon the driver to arrive on scene (and in some instances leave the scene) as quickly and safely as possible. No doubt being prepared is critical. Read more here.

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Fire Fighters - How being prepared reduces response time

Leonard D'Orlando, October 7, 2021

All first responders  know that when they get the call a quick response time is critical. It contributes to saving lives, containing fires, and ensuring the safety of the community. Fire fighters use various resources at their disposal to accomplish what is needed while ensuring their safety and the safety of those around them.  

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Today’s Ambulance – An Emergency Room on Wheels

Leonard D'Orlando, September 9, 2021

The moment an emergency call is dispatched it is a race against time. For the crew and ambulance every second counts. Therefore, it is essential that they are equipped with everything needed to handle a large variety of circumstances in a timely manner.

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Do automatic tire chains benefit rescue drivers?

Eric Jones, March 5, 2020

What rescue drivers say...Automatic tire chains continue to be a top choice of rescue drivers. The challenges faced in this profession are unique and those challenges play to the strengths of an automatic traction solution.

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How the drivers keeps their Onspot ready ?

Leonard D'Orlando, June 13, 2019

For most countries in the world, snow and ice have given way to sunny roads, which then become the holiday route for some. We hope you made good use of your Onspot automatic snow chains in the winter, and learned about the usage tips.

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The critical lifesaving seconds for the rescue driver

Ulrik Andersson, May 30, 2019

Typically, our first thought of a rescue operation is the fire. At a major fire event, an ordinary person can do nothing but sound the alarm and possibly warn others, then wait for the arrival of fire trucks with skilled firefighters using the right equipment to put out the fire. Here, the public is entirely dependent on the rescue team and their operation. However, there are situations when the actions of the public are crucial for saving lives when the professional rescuers are not first on scene. Here is why seconds may count.

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Is 4x4 enough to keep your vehicle safe?

Ulrik Andersson, May 23, 2019

 When purchasing a new vehicle, 4x4 is a common option to consider. No wonder, it’s a familiar and well-tried solution with good features for safer driving – but it’s easy to ignore its weaknesses believing there’s no better alternative. However, when reflecting on those situations where traction is really crucial for your operations, you may conclude that 4x4 is not the perfect solution, but rather a compromise. Learn more here.

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