Having traction is essential for forward motion. While many people believe that traction is simply another word for friction, there are distinct differences between the two. Learn more here.
About Shane Woodman
Shane serves as the Global Sales Director, bringing a decade of valuable industry expertise to his role. He holds an MBA from Walden University and completed his undergraduate studies at Pennsylvania State University. Beyond his professional pursuits, Shane treasures moments with his family—his wife Ashlee, son Palmer, and daughter Charlee. During weekends, you'll often find Shane on the golf course, dedicated to refining his skills and enjoying his favorite pastime.
An emergency call just came in and they needed first responders present on scene. It’s the middle of winter and the snow is falling rapidly.
Commercial Driver- Why automatic snow chains?
Shane Woodman, March 2, 2023
We are nearing the end of winter. No doubt winter played a big role in your driving schedule. Your safety is the #1 most important outcome of your route. Read more here
Mechanics- You are the unsung hero of the fleet
Shane Woodman, November 24, 2022
A mechanic is vital to the health of a truck, bus, van, etc.. As a driver of the vehicle, its somewhat overlooked. Read more here
School Bus Driver- Overcoming Snow and Ice
Shane Woodman, August 18, 2022
The role of a school bus driver is extremely important. You are trusted by parents all over the world to get their children to and from school safely and on-time. It is a job you should be proud of. As a school bus driver, do you often wonder what else you can do to ensure the safety of the children? I know you do. It’s because you take pride in the job.
Black Ice- How to remain safe in your vehicle
Shane Woodman, May 12, 2022
Black ice. How do you conquer that in a quick way without having to leave the safety in your vehicle. Read more here
Truck Mechanic- Work Smarter Not Harder
Shane Woodman, February 3, 2022
Being a mechanic is the unsung hero of any fleet. Something breaks and you have to fix it. And more times than not, there is a time constraint. You are only one person, but much of the time, folks are relying on you to keep the fleet rolling down the road. You are recognized more than you may realize.
Emergency Vehicles- What are rescue drivers saying?
Shane Woodman, October 21, 2021
Do you experience white knuckles when driving in the snow? As a rescue driver, there is someone on the other end of your route relying on your arrival. No matter how nervous you are about the weather, deep down you know that you are about to potentially save a life. So you push through.