: Truck driver safety (2)


How to be Healthy on the Road and Handle Stress

Boel Haglund, September 25, 2017

Long haul truck drivers face many risks while working in today’s fast paced environment. While some might consider the chances of being in an accident the most pressing danger to a driver, there are several other risk factors to consider. Lifestyle-related illnesses due to poor diet and reduced exercise are a problem in the industry and it´s not hard to understand why. Living healthy on the road is challenging. Drivers travel long distances which may require time away from home for long periods and the work in itself doesn’t always provide an opportunity for physical activity. However, eating healthy and staying fit is as important for you as a driver as it is for the rest of us in society.

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Keeping the wheels turning: Today’s Truck Technology

Leonard D'Orlando, September 10, 2017

Through major advances in technology, the trucks of today have surpassed the trucks of yesterday in terms of efficiency and safety. Today, not only can fleet owners and mechanics track the location of their trucks, they are also able to get real time diagnostic data while the truck is on the road. The drivers of these trucks also benefit from new advances in technology accomplishing the majority of their work from the safety and security of the cab.

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It’s August. It’s time to prepare your Christmas travels!

Thomas Kaiser, August 25, 2017

Christmas? In August? Well, not quite, but this time of year many people around the world actually start booking their bus tickets for Christmas travels. Either for spending the holidays in the winter resorts or just for go visiting friends and families. These people have one thing in common: they plan and make early reservations to be well prepared and avoid unpleasant surprises.

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How Onspot Can Improve Your Daily Life

Thomas Ancart, July 20, 2017

Whether you are picking up household waste in isolated villages, driving children to school early in the morning, or delivering to customers awaiting their orders, drivers are almost always on the road. The open road can be great, but sometimes, the conditions can change to much less than favorable in a matter of minutes or even a couple miles.

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From invention and innovation to convenience

Daniel Salomonsson, May 5, 2017

Probably, many of us consider an invention as a ground-breaking achievement, while an innovation is ‘just’ an improvement of something existing. But, if you really think about it, what makes your working day safer and more convenient? Is it the ground-breaking inventions or the small innovations?

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Why are truck drivers so hard to find?

Boel Haglund, March 16, 2017

Is the truck driver an endangered species? At least it seems like that if we look at reports from many countries – all concluding that carrier companies have a hard time finding good truck drivers to hire. But, what’s the reason for this shortage of drivers? Of course, there is not one single answer to that, and besides, reasons differ from country to country and from region to region. However, I think that the solution to the problem is most certainly many-sided.

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Can I increase traction without any aiding device?

Eric Jones, February 23, 2017

Maybe you’ve been there? The road is becoming icy and slippery and you ought to get out there to mount the snow chains. But you’re in a hurry, so mounting time would cost you another hour of delay or so. And besides, you don’t feel like leaving your warm cab for the freezing cold roadside… So, is there a trick to get traction anyway? Actually, there is a trick that many experienced drivers know of. Yet, it’s a controversial trick. Here’s why!

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Peace of mind for Rolf-Olav, when using Automatic Snow Chains

Ulrik Andersson, February 2, 2017

"When I get a call from a driver saying 'Today I was saved by Onspot' it's already paid off"!

This quote is from Rolf-Olav Tenden, owner of Thor Tenden Transport AS in Norway. It is a quote that sums it all up quite well. When you, as an owner of a transport company can relax, knowing that your drivers are using vehicles with the right equipment. Equipment that is reliable and makes sure that the driver makes it to the delivery point regardless of the weather. And also brings them home safe.

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Driving dynamics – What is road friction?

Ulrik Andersson, January 19, 2017

We all know that friction and traction is crucial to avoid sliding vehicles and spinning wheels. (To learn more, read the blog post What is traction, friction and road grip?) When driving, we have a sense of whether road friction is high or low. But is there a measure for road friction? If so, how could that be calculated since there are several different variables summing up as road friction? Let’s have a closer look at this “road friction”.

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Why are bridges icy when the road isn’t?

Ulrik Andersson, January 12, 2017

We should pay special attention to bridges and overpasses when driving in temperatures around freezing point. We’ve learnt that bridges may be icy while the road isn’t, and that’s all we need to know to for safety reasons. But, giving it a second thought, how could the bridge be icy when the road isn’t? Here’s why.

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