Peace of mind for Rolf-Olav, when using Automatic Snow Chains

Written by Ulrik Andersson,

"When I get a call from a driver saying 'Today I was saved by Onspot' it's already paid off"!

This quote is from Rolf-Olav Tenden, owner of Thor Tenden Transport AS in Norway. It is a quote that sums it all up quite well. When you, as an owner of a transport company can relax, knowing that your drivers are using vehicles with the right equipment. Equipment that is reliable and makes sure that the driver makes it to the delivery point regardless of the weather. And also brings them home safe.

The Correct Equipment

Traffic Safety is much about having the correct equipment for the job. It is like the military guys says in the movies: "at the right place, at the right time with the correct equipment". Then you get the peace of mind and can put your focus on other things.

Tenden Transport is located in Stryn, Norway. Just below a high mountain called Strynfjellet. They have to cross the mountains numerous times a day with the fleet, traveling on narrow, serpent roads, every day of the year. And it works very well for them. They are a large employer of the people in the area and are important for the well-being of the region. 

Rolf-Olav finishes his first quote with the sentence: "...and when there is bad weather I get one or two calls a week saying `-Yeah, that was a good one´ ".

Watch the whole movie below. 1.55 minutes into the movie you´ll see Rolf-Olav saying these exact words.

Why we use Onspot


Winter equipment Snow chain Truck driver safety

Ulrik Andersson

About Ulrik Andersson

Ulrik is the Digital Marketing Director at Mobile Thermal Solutions, a division of VBG Group. Previously, he served as Global Brand Manager at Onspot, where he focused on sales, marketing, and customer relations for over ten years. Ulrik is passionate about driving brand success and enjoys spending time with his wife, family, and friends. In his leisure time, he pursues photography, capturing moments with his camera, a hobby he has cherished for many years.


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