The holiday season is upon us which means it's "go time" for professional delivery drivers. Unfortunately, along with the stress of seasonal demand the winter weather can create additional challenges towards completing your daily schedule on time.

About Eric Jones
Eric is the Global Sales Director for the Onspot brand. He has over 15 years of industry experience and received an MBA from Ball State University. Eric enjoys spending time with his wife and two children and being active outdoors. On the weekend, you can normally find Eric enjoying a craft beer with food sizzling on the grill.
Which is the best insurance for my truck fleet operation?
Eric Jones, November 14, 2019
There is probably not one single fleet manager in the transportation business who dare running a fleet operation without insurance. A proper insurance solution for a transport business could be both complex and costly. So, is there really something like “the best insurance” for a truck fleet? Yes, in my opinion there actually is!
Do mechanics recommend Onspot?
Eric Jones, September 19, 2019
Onspot is one of several traction devicesthat can improve friction and stop the vehicle from sliding or becoming stuck. The drivers experience a huge benefit from having increased traction at the flip of a dashboard switch. But what does this mean for the mechanic?
Tips for driving a school bus in winter weather
Eric Jones, June 27, 2019
We all know that driving a school bus can be a stressful job on a good day. Winter driving conditions make an already tough job even more difficult. We have assembled six tips to help you take the stress out of driving in winter weather.
"Onspot saves a lot of time"
Eric Jones, April 4, 2019
Fleet Manager: Take your business to a new level!
Eric Jones, January 10, 2019
Do you need to improve your transportation business? Maybe, instead of tweaking bits and pieces you should re-consider your entire business model. Or, at least look upon your business from new perspectives. Here is why!
A tribute to those who bring the holidays to life
Eric Jones, December 21, 2018
It’s the time of year that we all begin to think about silent nights, sleigh bells ringing, and the joy of spending time with loved ones by the fire. It’s the time of year when the everyday heroes go to work so that we can enjoy the comfort and kinship of the holidays.
Tips for black ice - look, listen and react
Eric Jones, November 29, 2018
The first winter storm of the season often catches many of us by surprise. Soon most of us will have had our first big burst of winter weather. The snow-covered roads and plow trucks are an obvious indicator that we should be vigilant while driving. But what about when ice is present without these visual cues? Black ice is the winter threat many of us fail to observe until it’s too late.
Rescue Driving: The Keys to Reduced Response Time
Eric Jones, October 6, 2018
In rescue operations the time required to arrive on site from the moment of the first call is a critical measure of effectiveness. First responders work tirelessly to reduce response time which means more lives are saved and injuries can be tended to before they become life threatening.
Wellness for truck drivers; Part 1.
Eric Jones, July 26, 2018
If you’re a truck driver, you don’t need us to remind you of the job’s daily demands and stressful situations. The busy nature of the trucking industry can make healthy choices almost impossible to integrate throughout the day. However, with prioritization and planning, it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working on the road.