Winter driving tips for school bus drivers

Written by Maritza Hernandez,

Of course, when hazardous conditions exist, schools are closed, and no buses are on the road. However, when caught unexpectedly in or even after a significant winter weather event, bus drivers take on the responsibility of transporting the children safely. How do they do this?

Winter driving conditions can cause delays

Traveling on snowy, icy roads can cause a driver to become delayed due to reduced speeds or obstacles such as snow drifts. School bus drivers are keenly aware that they are transporting society’s most valuable asset – their children. So, these drivers trained in winter weather driving and operating well equipped vehicles deliver the children safely to school and home. Schools and parents work together to establish procedures in case of unforeseeable delays but how do school bus drivers prepare?

Preparation for winter weather driving

Driving a school bus can be stressful so winter driving conditions make an already tough job more difficult. Safety can be improved, and driver stress reduced with preparation. How? With specialized winter driving training, well equipped and maintained vehicles the driver can focus on the task at hand. But, what about the bus itself? By employing a few strategies and solutions, driving performance in poor conditions can be improved.

Download “Tips on driving a school bus...” for information on taking the stress out of winter weather driving.

Tips for driving a school bus in adverse conditions

Automatic Snow Chains Improving performance on icy roads school bus driver School Bus Safety

Maritza Hernandez

About Maritza Hernandez

Maritza was the Marketing Coordinator at Onspot of North America. She was with Onspot for many years and holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Investigative Services. She moved from Connecticut to Indiana in 2016. When she is not working, she can be found reading, walking her dog Petey or discovering the sights and sounds of Indiana.


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