Servicing the Onspot system: Tips for the mechanic

Written by Leonard D'Orlando,

When it comes to the Onspot automatic snow chain system there are many advantages.  Through the simple push of a dashboard switch the chain wheels are engaged providing the driver with traction on snow and ice.  It is not necessary for the driver to get out of the vehicle and manually strap chains on the tires. The driver can stay in the cab of the vehicle, avoiding the harsh winter conditions, the dangers of chaining up on the side of the road, and the overall physical exertion associated with conventional chains.  This is all well and good for the driver.

What about the mechanic? The automatic tire chains were not only designed with the driver in mind, but the people who service the system as well. Onspots are engineered with only a few key moving parts and pieces reducing service time.  The chain wheels use two sealed bearings that do not require service however, it is recommended that anti seize be used on the chain wheel bolt.  All of this helps to limit service time to keep the system running at its optimal performance.  Onspot maintenance is a quick and easy addition to any PM or maintenance program. 

What about maintenance during different times of the year? The types of service performed depends on whether the chains are left on the vehicle year-round.  The majority of fleets that run Onspots leave the complete system on the vehicle all year. The following are the three most common ways of servicing the chain systems in the off season:

#1. One way to maintain the Onspot system is to simply remove the chain unit assemblies leaving behind only the mounting bracket and all associated hardware attached to the vehicle.  In this case you can “bench” the system checking all components and making any adjustments or replace parts as needed. 

#2. The second method to maintenance the system is to just remove the chain wheels.  This easy process involves the removal of one nut/bolt and pulling the fuse to the system so the system cannot be operated.  This will take the weight of the chain wheel (on average 6-10 kg.) off from the end of the arms saving unnecessary wear and tear on the arm pivot points. 

#3. A third way to maintain the Onspots is to simply leave the system on all year.  In this case it is important to engage the system from time to time even in the off season which will keep the system “exercised”. 

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For Mechanics Maintenance Automatic Snow Chains Service Fleet Maintenance

Leonard D'Orlando

About Leonard D'Orlando

Leonard has six years with Onspot Automatic Tire Chains in North America. Four years as a field technician on the East Coast and two years as a Regional Sales Manager. During the four years as a field technician Leonard provided install and maintenance training to dealers. Leonard also performed fleet reviews for customers and provided technical service support. An alumnus from the University of Maine, Leonard graduated with a B.A. in English and a concentration in Education. Leonard also attended Texas State Technical College where he earned an associate’s degree in automotive mechanics.


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