Automatic tire chains are a very reliable and easy system to use for increasing accessibility on winter road conditions. But of course, as with all equipment on the truck, you also have to maintain your automatic tire chains. How does the mechanic work with your automatic tire chains? Read more here
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Onspot of North America, December 25, 2021
School bus driving - improve perfomance on icy roads
Ulrik Andersson, December 16, 2021
As a school bus driver, you want to bring the pupils to school, on time in the morning. In the evening you should also bring them safely home. Here are some tips on how to improv performance on icy roads.
The school bus: A history of safety and innovation
Leonard D'Orlando, December 2, 2021
The school season is in full swing which means for people living in the US and Canada school buses are running routes through neighborhoods taking kids to school in the early morning hours and safely returning them home again in the afternoon. Learn more here.
School bus driver – Why do I need automatic tire chains ?
Thomas Ancart, November 18, 2021
Being a School Bus Driver is a very important job. You have the responsability to bring the kids to school and home on time and safely. During the season, you will be faced to slippery roads and you have to be prepared !
School Bus Drivers - Being Prepared for Winter Driving
Leonard D'Orlando, November 4, 2021
As the leaves begin to turn colors and the air turns crisp, we are reminded that winter and the inclement weather it brings with it is just around the corner. What can be done to prepare for this? Read on to learn more.
Emergency Vehicles- What are rescue drivers saying
Shane Woodman, October 21, 2021
Do you experience white knuckles when driving in the snow? As a rescue driver, there is someone on the other end of your route relying on your arrival. No matter how nervous you are about the weather, deep down you know that you are about to potentially save a life. So you push through.
All first responders know that when they get the call a quick response time is critical. It contributes to saving lives, containing fires, and ensuring the safety of the community. Fire fighters use various resources at their disposal to accomplish what is needed while ensuring their safety and the safety of those around them.
Firetruck driver -Why is it good to have automatic tire chains?
Eric Carlebom, September 23, 2021
Working as a firefighter places great demands on you as a person, your professional skills and your education. The development of equipment and vehicles also accelerating and today's fire trucks are
advanced and complex. It is important that the driver and the firefighter team know their firetruck and its equipment. Poor equipment can have consequences for the emergency response time.