Tips & Tricks for Mounting Onspot

Written by Lucas Gulino,

As a mechanic, every day, you have to find new solutions to the problems you encounter. You are reflective, rigorous, and logical, and we know that it is not always that simple...

Simple and effective solutions

Whether you're an experienced mechanic or an amateur, when you discover a new product and you see an assembly guide, it may seem difficult. Unlike conventional snow chains, the Onspot system is accompanied by detailed, clear mounting instructions, with pictures or diagrams. You can now work with smile.

Through my experience in assembly, I’ve noticed that each installation was different because we have more than 170 bracket kits ready to mount. Some techniques, however, remain common to vehicles, and save a lot of time!

With these tips and tricks and some time, you can become an expert in mounting the Onspot Automatic snow chain system, just like a lot of mechanics around the world.

**Note that this book will give you tips & tricks to save lot of time when you do the mountings, but it is required to look over the mounting instructions that are in all the boxes and that it must be followed regarding torques, drawings and pictures.

Please read these tips & tricks and shared it with you colleagues!

4 tips to mount model 016 

Automatic Snow Chains Engineering

Lucas Gulino

About Lucas Gulino

Lucas is part of the Onspot sales team and is based in France. He studied sales and received a national diploma in a 2 year program. Lucas discovered Onspot when he was completing a 3 year program focused on trading and customer relationships, ultimately receiving a higher technician diploma in this area of study. Lucas has worked at Onspot since 2014 and he is passionate about the industry and its associated marketing strategies. Lucas is a lover of wine and travel. When he is not at work, you may find him in a restaurant or coffee shop in his hometown of Metz.
Lucas fait partie de l'équipe de vente Onspot et est basé en France. Il a étudié la vente et obtenu un diplôme national dans le cadre d'un programme de deux ans. Lucas a découvert Onspot alors qu'il achevait un programme de trois ans axé sur le commerce et les relations avec la clientèle, obtenant finalement un diplôme de technicien supérieur dans ce domaine d'étude. Lucas travaille chez Onspot depuis 2014 et se passionne pour le secteur de l'industrie et les stratégies marketing associées. Lucas est un amoureux du vin et des voyages. Quand il n'est pas au travail, vous pouvez le trouver dans un restaurant ou un café dans sa ville natale de Metz.


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