Onspot – How we get the perfect fit

Eric Jones, April 13, 2018

If you’ve been considering an investment in Onspot, you may have grown curious about how it’s possible to purchase and install a product that is custom fit for your vehicle. We have a time-tested measurement process and a solid dealer network to ensure that the right product and installation services are available when you need it.

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Automatic Tire Chains for Light Vehicles

Lucas Gulino, April 9, 2018

From emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and snow removal vehicles to passenger or goods transport vehicles, each profession requires adapted and different vehicles. While some equipment have advantages on trucks, others better fit on lighter vehicles. But what about Onspot? Does it fit as well on a light vehicle as trucks? Are the advantages the same? Let's compare and answer it!

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Don’t Forget About the Truck Accessories

Lucas Gulino, March 29, 2018

The use of a truck is two-fold. For the owner, it is a tool for generating revenue, while for the driver, it is the workplace. Many people consider truck accessories as costly gadgets only, like, the Coffee Machine De Luxe. However, there are accessories that not only increase driver’s comfort and safety but also increase operational efficiency. Let us have a look at some obvious accessories – and some less obvious…

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Are Onspots a “fit” for towing and recovery vehicles?

Maritza Hernandez, March 27, 2018

Onspot Automatic Tire Chains have been installed on many tow trucks; however, they are not a one-size-fits-all product. As with any vehicle, fitting automatic tire chains on a tow truck is based on variables or combination of variables. Let’s talk about tow trucks!

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On The Road: Commercial Driving Today

Leonard D'Orlando, March 14, 2018

In today’s commercial trucking industry, keeping the wheels turning is still a daunting task. Even with all the latest advances in technology, simple factors like traffic, weather, downtime, and health still hamper the transportation of freight by truck drivers around the world. What follows are the most common issues that plague drivers and ways to combat them.

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Three tips for rescue drivers on when to use Onspot

Eric Jones, March 9, 2018

When is the correct time to engage your Onspot Automatic Tire Chains? This is a common question that we hear from our friends in the fire and rescue industry. Actually, it’s a frequently asked question in many of the markets that we serve.

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Driver fatigue, how to handle it?

Lucas Gulino, March 2, 2018

Fatigue is a reality that affects all drivers; especially commercial vehicle drivers who are exposed to long hours on the road and even in extreme conditions like bad traffic and/or weather.
How does one prevent fatigue and be effective in your daily work as well as outside? We tried to answer this question.

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Surface Treatments

Leonard D'Orlando, February 22, 2018

Which is the perfect road surface treatment to increase traction?

To keep transportation – and society – running, authorities have different strategies for keeping roads open and driveable in harsh winter conditions. Snowplows keep the snow masses away from the road, and often some kind of surface treatment is used to increase traction when roads are icy and unsafe. But, which is the perfect road surface treatment? The simple answer is... None! Every method of surface treatment is a compromise between effectiveness, cost, handling and side effects. Let's have a look at some methods.

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Onspot: Myths, Misconceptions, and other Nonsense

Leonard D'Orlando, February 6, 2018

It’s February and the groundhog saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter or so they say. Here at Onspot, show season is starting to ramp up. Soon you will find us at a variety of trade shows throughout the US and Canada ranging from Fire/EMS to Municipal and School shows. These are just a few types of trade show events we will be attending this year. Additionally, we will also be traveling to promote Onspot maintenance and driver training throughout our territories.

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Is 4x4 enough to keep your truck safe?

Eric Jones, February 1, 2018

Professional drivers don’t have the option of taking a day off to avoid the winter weather.

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