Onspot vs Conventional Chains – How long do they last?

Maritza Hernandez, July 5, 2018

Tire chains – automatic or conventional – do they have an expiration date? No, there is no fixed end date because there is no way to calculate the wear and tear on tire chains. Wear and tear is not determined with a simple mathematical formula. It has many variables such as how often they are used, terrain, weather, maintenance and drivers.

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The Benefit of the Onspot System - Why an Engineered Solution is Best

Leonard D'Orlando, July 3, 2018

When I attend trade shows, I am often asked if it is necessary to fill out our VSI or Vehicle Suspension Information form. Although the form typically takes 10 minutes to fill out, most people miss the importance of what they consider an “extra” step. Some believe that the VIN number or a description of the suspension should be enough. My favorite, however, is when people tell me the vehicle is a “sister” to one already fitted with Onspots so there should be no need to measure the chassis. This statement could not be more further from the truth.

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Our Secrets about Wheels and Chains!

Lucas Gulino, June 28, 2018


At Onspot, nothing is left to chance! Each piece that makes up the complete system has been the subject of a comprehensive study. The same is true for our chains. Have you already noticed that we use different types of chains? Each of them has been designed to meet a specific need, and we will reveal our secrets about wheels and chains!

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How does Onspot help law enforcement?

Maritza Hernandez, May 31, 2018

Federal, state and local law enforcement departments are equipped to respond to calls for service no matter the time of day, weather or terrain. As with their fellow first responders, law enforcement officers must arrive “on scene” safely and in a timely manner.

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How & when Onspot helps you?

Lucas Gulino, May 24, 2018

You must have control of your vehicle whatever situation you find yourself. Let’s review together how Onspot will get you out of difficult situations.

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Winter tires - would winter tires or automatic tire chains be best for my truck or bus?

Shane Woodman, May 18, 2018

Rules about winter tires for trucks and buses differ between countries and regions all over the world. Many countries, of course, have such a warm climate all year round that there is no need for winter tires at all. Other countries have such cold winter climate that winter tires are necessary. Yet other countries are prioritising safety, with strict regulations for the use of winter tires accordingly. Let’s have a look at winter tires!

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Onspot Spring Maintenance

Leonard D'Orlando, May 10, 2018

Spring is here! The days are getting longer and the streets have been swept clean as motorcycles and classic cars take to the roads once again. During this time of the year it is quite easy to leave the cares of winter behind, especially if the season was a long and harsh one. Although we would like to forget about winter, it is important not to lose sight of vehicle maintenance.

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Spring truck maintenance? Onspot can help.

Eric Jones, May 9, 2018

The extended Winter season is finally coming to an end. It’s time to enjoy the better driving conditions and to ensure that your Onspot Automatic Tire Chains are ready to go for next year.

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Response Time Challenges for First Responders/Rescue Drivers

Maritza Hernandez, May 3, 2018

The most widely used response time standard in the United States is the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 1710 which requires “the arrival of an ALS (Advanced Life Support) company within an eight-minute response time to 90% of incidents.” This standard resulted from a 1970s cardiac arrest survival study by two Seattle physicians.

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America’s Last Frontier: Onspots are There

Leonard D'Orlando, April 19, 2018

Over the years at Onspot, we have fit thousands of chassis with our automatic tire chain system. Vehicle applications ranging from fire and rescue, school and transit bus, plow and tow truck, and various forms of local and long-haul delivery trucks are just some of the chassis where the Onspot system is currently in use. Our Onspot factory located in North Vernon, IN is also more than just a place where our product is made, it is also an R&D facility that allows us to stay on top of the latest chassis changes and adapt our product to these changes. Occasionally, we also have customers contact us with some pretty interesting and challenging vehicles that they would like outfitted with Onspots. One recent vehicle that comes to mind is that of Bro. John Pinnix with the Remote Alaska Missions or R.A.M.

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