Slippery Conditions - Traction Devices Explained

Thomas Ancart, March 25, 2021

Traction devices allow you to travel safely on slippery roads and in adverse weather conditions. Most people who use these devices navigate in less than optimal conditions because it's their job.

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Fleet Manager - staying efficient during bad weather

Ulrik Andersson, March 25, 2021

Here is what David Anderson, former Director of Transportation & Fleet at Adams 12 Five Star Schools in Colorado has to say about Onspot automatic tire chains on their school buses:

“Onspots are great tools! Give them some general maintenance and they last the life of the bus.”

What does a fleet manager say about Onspot?

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Slippery roads – traction aid in non-winter conditions

Ulrik Andersson, January 7, 2021

The automatic snow chains are genius when you encounter adverse road conditions in the colder seasons. With just a flip of a switch you have instant traction added so that you can get up in speed or if you need to stop, you get improved braking power. But what about the rest of the year, when you are not in the winter season? In the middle of the summer or in autumn?

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Happy New Year 2021!

Shane Woodman, December 31, 2020

2021... The turn of the year we have all been waiting for. 2020 brought with it surprises the world was not ready for. COVID-19 has changed the way we live our daily lives.

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Top 5 blogs in 2020

Ulrik Andersson, December 28, 2020

Here are the five most read blog posts in 2020

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Tire chains - are conventional or automatic the best option?

Leonard D'Orlando, December 24, 2020

Getting a grip – what is the best option?

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Merry Christmas to all of you!

Shane Woodman, December 24, 2020

The Onspot family would like to wish you and your families and very Merry Christmas! We may not be traveling out of town this Christmas, but hold those in your house close and cherish this moment.

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Who will benefit from automatic tire chains?

Ulrik Andersson, December 10, 2020

Whether you are a driver picking up household waste in isolated villages, transporting children to school early in the morning, or delivering products to customers awaiting their orders, you are almost always on the road. The open road can be great, but sometimes, the conditions can change to much less than favorable in a matter of minutes. Learn more here

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Traction Devices Explained

Shane Woodman, November 26, 2020

Traction devices allow you to travel safely on slippery roads and in adverse weather conditions. Safety is the #1 reason for equipping your vehicle with a traction device. A close #2 is these devices allow drivers to stay on-time with their routes. Most people who use traction devices to navigate in less than optimal conditions because it's their job.

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How do I prepare for the various challenges of the winter road?

Eric Carlebom, November 12, 2020

Losing the grip on your truck when you need to climb an icy hill can cause stressful situations and delays. There are many options on the market to increase traction on icy winter roads. Being prepared is the key and equipping your vehicle properly can save time and money but also make your trip more comfortable and safer. R ead more here
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