Fleet Management - commercial vehicle fleet productivity in the winter

Written by Ulrik Andersson,

As a Fleet manger you have to make sure that your company delivers on time, that the drivers are safe and work according regulations and that you keep costs under controll. Learn more here.

Come winter time you will be fighting the slippery roads too. With the loss of traction your vehicles will not be delivering on time. The drivers might have to work overtime. You can get increased costs for taking care of damages caused by the harsch conditions. If you prepare your fleet before this appears you will be considered a good forwarder and your drivers will enjoy working for you

At Onspot we hear this often. The daily dilemas of the fleet managers. The experiance is that with a good set up of the vehicles you will be running a much more robust and reliable business.

For you, we have put together a guide for more efficient driving when winter weather strikes.  It will help you choose the right method of conquering slippery roads during the cold seasons. Download the free solution brief to learn five easy tips to improve driving performance when winter weather hits. Click the blue button at the end of this text.

It is dangerous being outside puting on regular snow chains on a vechicle. You or your drivers should not be doing that. With automatic snow chains you just push a button in the safety of your warm cabin.

You know that your company might not deliver on time when the slippery roads are present. By reading the the solution brief here you will have a good guide and can plan to avoid that happening. Your company will be the reliable ones delivering on time independent of the weather conditions.


The Guide: How to improve fleet productivity


Fleet Managers Improving Fleet Productivity

Ulrik Andersson

About Ulrik Andersson

Ulrik is the Digital Marketing Director at Mobile Thermal Solutions, a division of VBG Group. Previously, he served as Global Brand Manager at Onspot, where he focused on sales, marketing, and customer relations for over ten years. Ulrik is passionate about driving brand success and enjoys spending time with his wife, family, and friends. In his leisure time, he pursues photography, capturing moments with his camera, a hobby he has cherished for many years.


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