School may be out for the summer but this time of the year is still a busy one for the majority of bus drivers and fleet directors. There are several state and local conferences drivers attend that offer the latest information, insights, and training on a wide range of topics. Some conferences even offer a bus "Roadeo" where drivers can put their skills to the test. This is also a time when many school districts re-focus their attention on the previous school year.
What School Bus Drivers Say about Onspot
Leonard D'Orlando, July 25, 2019
Driver satisfaction is an important facet to the success of any fleet. In addition to general maintenance, driver training in all aspects of the use and function of a school bus leads to the successful, safe transportation of school children. But, what do bus drivers say about Onspot?
Being a reliable bus driver, bringing school kids to and from school safely, every day of the year, is not happening by accident. By educating your self and understand what maesurements are available you take the control and makes it happen. Learn more how proud school bus drivers make use of good tools below.
We all know that driving a school bus can be a stressful job on a good day. Winter driving conditions make an already tough job even more difficult. We have assembled six tips to help you take the stress out of driving in winter weather.
How the drivers keeps their Onspot ready ?
Leonard D'Orlando, June 13, 2019
For most countries in the world, snow and ice have given way to sunny roads, which then become the holiday route for some. We hope you made good use of your Onspot automatic snow chains in the winter, and learned about the usage tips.
Typically, our first thought of a rescue operation is the fire. At a major fire event, an ordinary person can do nothing but sound the alarm and possibly warn others, then wait for the arrival of fire trucks with skilled firefighters using the right equipment to put out the fire. Here, the public is entirely dependent on the rescue team and their operation. However, there are situations when the actions of the public are crucial for saving lives when the professional rescuers are not first on scene. Here is why seconds may count.
Is 4x4 enough to keep your vehicle safe?
Ulrik Andersson, May 23, 2019
When purchasing a new vehicle, 4x4 is a common option to consider. No wonder, it’s a familiar and well-tried solution with good features for safer driving – but it’s easy to ignore its weaknesses believing there’s no better alternative. However, when reflecting on those situations where traction is really crucial for your operations, you may conclude that 4x4 is not the perfect solution, but rather a compromise. Learn more here.
Considerations for today's ambulance
Leonard D'Orlando, May 16, 2019
Safety first, never last: The ambulance of today is a sophisticated machine and whether new or a remount its primary goals is crew and patient safety. Here are some things to consider when looking at a new ambulance or making updates to an existing unit.
Achieving the shortest response time possible is key for saving lives or property at risk. But, what is response time?
A shortcut to reduce Onspot maintenance
Ulrik Andersson, April 18, 2019
As we here on the northern hemisphere of the globe are approaching the warmer seasons, it is hard to plan for the next winter season. With some simple steps you keep your system maintained so that it can keep supporting you the next winter. Learn how.